Cultural History promotes the work and aims of the International Society for Cultural History, which was founded in 2008. It generates discussion and debate on the nature of cultural history and current trends, and advances theoretical and methodological issues relating to the field. Cultural History promotes new and innovative questions about the past, and invites contributions from both advanced and junior scholars.
The intellectual shifts of recent decades have moved ‘culture’ to the forefront of academic attention while expanding the practice of ‘history’ beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines. Cultural History, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH), engages fully with these developments. The only journal in the world that takes cultural history in general as its chief concern, Cultural History welcomes high-quality submissions from any discipline that brings contemporary cultural theories and methodologies to bear on the study of the past, regardless of historical or geographical focus. The journal also invites articles that reflect on the ways in which more practical environments such as museums and the heritage industry engage with current debates in cultural history.
View the call for papers here.

Signing the Contract: 27 th MAY 2010, at a committee meeting in Turku the chair of the Society, Hannu Salmi, signed a contract with Edinburgh University Press.
The international standard serial number (ISSN) for Cultural History is 2045-290X and the electronic international standard serial number (eISSN) is 2045-2918. Cultural History is published biannually.
- Articles should not have been previously published. Please do not submit a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere.
- Your text should be submitted electronically in Word format (2007 or earlier).
- Manuscripts should not exceed 9,000 words (including notes). Manuscripts over the word limit may not be considered.
- Double-space your manuscript: text, notes, and quotations.
- Use the same type size and font for all material.
- Use UK spelling.
- To answer general questions about style and usage please see the style guide below.
- As Cultural History reviews are double blind, please make sure to remove any identifying information (name, university, etc.) from the manuscript itself. All such information, including acknowledgments, should appear on a separate title page.
- Please supply an abstract of 200 or fewer words with your paper.
- Please provide four to eight keywords for indexing purposes.
- Should you want to use images, please send them in separate files, and make sure they are of high resolution (at least 300 dpi).
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